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Replacing and Repairing Driveways

While paint jobs and lawn care are among the first factors that can influence a home’s appearance, a driveway can make a tremendous impact on it, too. If it’s spotted with oil spills and the pavement is cracked, your driveway can detract from the looks of your home and landscaping, no matter how much work you’ve put in.

The Cutting Edge has experience at replacing and repairing driveways to their original states, before the elements take their toll. We can install one that you design specifically for your property or develop a new approach that offers you more convenience than your earlier design. Our expertise and equipment allow us to install driveways around any finished house or in any landscape condition.

Few people give thought to the cost of replacing a driveway until the moment arrives. At the Cutting Edge, we can keep costs down while also correcting the issues that caused your driveway to fail in the first place. We’ve seen driveways fall into disrepair for a number of reasons, and we have experience in repairing them for the smallest costs possible.